Trade Organisations

Hospitality Action launches mental health survey

Hospitality Action said one of its main aims is to help the hospitality industry ‘understand more about their employees’ challenges and needs in the workplace’

Hospitality Action has launched its 2024 Mental Health and Wellbeing Survey.

The group last ran a sector-wide wellbeing survey two years’ ago. According to Hospitality Action, a lot has happened since then, and some things have improved while others have deteriorated.

Hospitality Action said one of its main aims is to help the hospitality industry “understand more about their employees’ challenges and needs in the workplace, as well as identify the relationship between employer and employee when it comes to employee wellbeing”.

With calls to their helpline and requests for financial assistance at an all-time high, it added “ further understanding how we can all better support the industry’s mental health and wellbeing has never been more critical”.


The survey can be found here: 

The survey will be live until 27 May. Hospitality Action said it is keen for it to be completed by as many hospitality workers as possible and need your help to achieve this.

It only takes five minutes to complete and is totally confidential, and the results will help Hospitality Action develop services and campaigns to support and help protect the wellbeing of hospitality workers. 

As a thank you for taking part, Hospitality Action will send participants a copy of the results, with the assurance that email addresses won’t be associated with a participants’ survey answers.

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